Wednesday, January 20, 2016


The skin is the largest organ of body. It helps to regulate body temperature and acts as a barrier protecting the body against various sun, wind and cold. However, some parts of the body are prone to becoming dry and cracked resulting in the skin losing its ability to perform its functions. When the skin dries, it can become rough and flaky. Cracked skin is often accompanied by other symptoms of dry skin, with one symptom often leading to another. For example, dryness is leading to scaling, scaling can create itchiness, itching leads to scratching, scratching can cause galling and small tears that can develop into cracks and all of these can lead into more nuisance.


Winter Weather

When the temperature drops, the humidity level falls too. Cold temperatures and low humidity rapidly deplete skin of moisture, leading to dry skin. Our skin isn’t especially adjusted to handle cold temperature. Because of this we need to cover up when the winter comes.

Steamy Showers

Setting the shower too steamy soothes your body, but it won't do your skin any favors. It dries out the natural oils in our skin more quickly.

Harsh Soaps

The type of soap may have a large impact on dry skin. Soap is an emulsifier that removes oils on the skin. The more often your skin is scrubbed with soap, the more oil is removed, and send your skin's natural moisture barrier straight down the drain which ultimately resulting in dryer skin.


As hormone levels change over the years, our skin becomes thin and parched. Reduction of the production of natural oil is one of the biological changes which causes with old age.

Medical Condition

Cracked skin may be caused by a number of medical conditions including
·         Anhidrosis (reduced or loss of sweating) in diabetes, a chronic disease that affects your body’s ability to use sugar for energy
·         Atopy (allergic skin reaction)
·         Dermatitis (a skin inflammation which has many causes)
·         Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes)
·         Eczema (itchy, scaly skin)
·         Excess body weight (extra pressure on the heels can cause the skin to crack)
·         Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
·         Ichthyosis (a hereditary disease characterized by scaly skin)
·         Inadequate moisture content to skin
·         Psoriasis (a skin disease that causes itchy or sore patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales)


  • Dry skin may be improved by taking lukewarm showers or baths and avoiding excess skin scrubbing. Five minutes is enough to get clean without over-drying.
  • Dry skin may be prevented by use of gentle cleansers. Fragrance-free or mild cleansers products are recommended for dry and sensitive skin.
  • After washing, apply a good hand lotion that contains petroleum jelly. The lotion will replace and lock in moisture, working from the inside out to create healthier, healed skin. Try to use a non-greasy lotion, that your skin feels soft and smooth.
  • When you go outside in wintry weather, create your own moisture barrier. Protect your most sensitive parts like lips, face, and hands with a scarf and gloves. Wear clothes made of natural materials like cotton and silk which do not irritate the skin.
  • A combination of Ointments and Antibiotics are needed when skin gets infected. It helps to prevent the infections from turning it more serious. It is better to go to doctor to discover and treat the cause.

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